The NFL Draft - Live from Goodell's basement. And Reddit.

Caio Brighenti’s NFL Draft Boo-Meter offers real-time sentiment analysis for the 2020 NFL Draft.

The NFL Draft is still happening Thursday - not in Las Vegas with a live, cheering (and booing) audience to instantly opine on the pick, but with NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell. In his basement.

Fortunately a sports and coding loving college senior has figured out a way to bring the experience to us by calculating our remote cheers and boos in real time. Caio Brighenti will scrape comments from the two million members of NFL’s sub-Reddit, plus the members of individual team pages. During the draft, his program will pull in each new post, rank it from angrier to happier and keep a rolling sentiment average. Brighenti plans to live-stream the results on Twitch via 32 team meters and one NFL net sentiment meter, which he has named the “Goodell Boo-Meter.”

Brighenti realized there’s one place strangers like to voice irrational opinions more than at a giant party of drunk football fans. It’s called the internet.
— Andrew Beaton, Wall Street Journal

While I have never made appointment tv of the NFL draft, you can bet I’ll be tuning into Twitch for the opportunity to see real-time sentiment analysis in action. And, most likely, to boo the Texans’ picks.

See more

Watch Brighenti’s NFL Draft Boo-Meter live in action on Twitch!

Read more in the April 22 Wall Street Journal article: You Can Still Boo Online During the NFL Draft

Read all about the project here: CaioBrighenti/nfl-draft-sentiment

Follow Caio Brighenti on Twitter

Hey NFL? Y’all might want to go ahead and hire him now…and Colgate University? Does he really need to finish another senior thesis?


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