My client trended on Reddit this week…and it wasn’t a crisis!

In fact, it was really, really wholesome. Kind of like Vital Farms! Here’s what happened:

When a Vital Farms fan posted a photo of their Vital Times on r/mildlyinteresting (for “photos that are, you know, mildly interesting”), it turned out a number of people found it slightly more so. Before we knew it, we were trending! And the comments were really positive, heartfelt and kind. Which hit me right in the feels.

Why? I began writing the Vital Times more than seven years ago, following in the giant footsteps of founder Matt O’Hayer. Since, my role has evolved to include work on packaging copy, marketing copy, web copy, and special initiatives like product roll-outs and DEI messaging. As well as word finds, crosswords and other Vital add-ons! And every collaboration has been fun and rewarding.

Even so, the Vital Times is the only work, for any of my clients, I’ve been repeatedly asked to autograph. So on behalf of the Vital Farms crew, myself included, this is a big, equally heartfelt thanks to all of the people who love the Vital Times, its brilliant cartoons (Well done, Brian Gordon) and the Bird of the Month as much as we do.

Here are a few of my favorite comments from Redditors:

I bet the bird of the month is rigged to always be a chicken…

I love these! My roommate and I cut out the birds of the month and have them up in our bathroom because its blank white and we're broke. So far we have Tranquil Tina, Blissful Bianca, and Harmonious Hayley

I used to be a dairy manager, I will tell you, vital vendors are some of the nicest in the business, super supportive and friendly.

We love vital farms! Fluffy Florence is still currently my bookmark, and we have a few other newsletters up on our fridge!

Wow I love this. The info sheet, the little comic, the word play, the “see a farm”?! Ah. You win my heart.

Never seen a Vital TImes? Check them out here!


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